Wellcome to the German Medical Wellness Association!

Dear visitors to the blog of the German Medical Wellness Association (DMWV): Welcome! We invite you to take part in dialogues and conversations about medical wellness, to present your ideas, concepts and offers on this topic or to express suggestions and criticism. We look forward to your active participation (mainly in English).

Why Divorce Rates Spike After Holidays

The joyous holiday season, with its twinkling lights and festive cheer, can paradoxically lead to a surge in divorce filings. As couples gather around the tree or bask in the summer sun, the strains of togetherness can sometimes reveal cracks in their relationships. Let’s explore why this phenomenon occurs and what research tells us. 1. …

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Dynamisches Taping bei Nackenschmerzen

In einer Studie wurde jetzt der Effekt des dynamischen Tapings (DT) auf Nackenschmerzen bei Patienten mit chronischen unspezifischen Nackenschmerzen untersucht. Ergebnisse zeigen, dass DT als Ergänzung zur Standard-Physiotherapie zu Verbesserungen bei Schmerz, Behinderung und Wohlbefinden führte (DOI 10.7717/peerj.16799).